American Comfort Heating and Cooling Blog: Archive for May, 2019

Don’t Ignore These “Harmless” AC Issues

Monday, May 20th, 2019

Surely, you’ve heard of the “domino effect.” The internet is full of videos where one domino starts a chain-reaction, knocking down hundreds of thousands of dominos to form intricate patterns or pictures.

There’s a “domino effect” in your air conditioner, too, but it’s not nearly as cool or pretty. Unfortunately, we are talking about what happens when one component of your AC malfunctions. More often than not, that malfunction causes more damage or, in the best-case scenario, lowers efficiency.

In this post, we’ll talk about two “harmless” problems that can cause serious a serious domino effect on the rest of your AC.

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Should I Keep My Central Air Conditioner?

Monday, May 6th, 2019

With the advent of heat pumps—HVAC systems that possess both cooling and heating functions—you might wonder why anyone would want to keep their central air conditioners. Perhaps you, yourself, have a central AC system and are wondering whether you should get rid of it in favor of a heat pump (it doesn’t help that the internet is full of articles praising the benefits of heat pumps).

Of course, we offer heat pumps and will gladly install them in the right homes. At the same time, we don’t believe that any one system is superior to the others. It all depends on your existing HVAC setup, your expectations for comfort, and other factors.

If you’re wondering if keeping your central air conditioning in Winder, GA is still a good idea, we’ll help explain why it might be:

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