American Comfort Heating and Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Does Sizing Matter For Your AC Unit?

Monday, September 6th, 2021

The short answer is that yes, sizing absolutely matters in regards to your air conditioner. But before you take off, we want you to understand that this is not about the physical square footage that your system takes up. Air conditioner sizing is in reference to the square footage of space that your system can cool.

This is more than just choosing a small, medium, or large air conditioner. Sizing your AC unit is a somewhat complicated process that is best performed by an expert during your initial AC installation in Winder, GA. Here are some of the things you should know about sizing your next cooling system.

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New To AC Systems? 7 Ways to Tell Yours Is in Trouble

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

You deserve to enjoy your new home. You worked hard to get it and you are looking forward to making the most of it, especially during the heatwave.
If you came from a place with a window AC or no AC unit at all, a central AC system can feel like an incredible luxury. It’s your first home with a legit central air conditioner!

But you can’t rely on a malfunctioning air conditioner. When you need your AC fixed, where do you start? You can start right here. We’ve created a brief beginner’s guide to help you determine if you have an AC in need of repairs.

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5 Signs Your Air Conditioner Is On Its Way Out

Monday, August 9th, 2021

Now is not the time when you want to be without any source of cool air. That said, if your air conditioner isn’t working properly anymore, that is exactly what will happen, if it hasn’t already. A system that is old and outdated needs to be replaced before it gives out completely and takes your comfort level with it.

When you need a new system for your air conditioning in Suwanee, GA, you’ll want to work with a professional team to select and install the next unit.

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Is Your AC Getting Noisy? Here’s Why

Monday, July 26th, 2021

This time of the year is not when you want to discover that your air conditioner is in trouble. You want your system operating as optimally as possible. This is why, when your system starts to make concerning noises, we’d advise scheduling AC repair in Suwanee, GA.

The sooner you have a professional come by to examine your air conditioner and figure out why it is making the sounds it is making, the better it will be. Why? Because it gives them a chance to fix the core issue before it gets worse and destroys your ability to keep cool.

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It Isn’t Too Late For an AC Tune-Up

Monday, July 12th, 2021

Now is the time of year when we’re all focused on staying as cool as possible in the face of high temperatures and humidity. With an efficient air conditioning system, this shouldn’t be too much of a struggle. Your air conditioner will need some extra help to make sure that it gets through the summer season, though. That is why, if you have not scheduled AC maintenance just yet, now is a great time to do so.

It might seem strange to think about getting a tune-up at this point. After all, maintenance is usually done before summer is in full swing. You may be glad to hear, however, that it is never too late to schedule a maintenance appointment as long as your air conditioner is still running. Our team is happy to provide you with maintenance and other services to help your air conditioning in Alpharetta, GA.

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Why Go With a Pro For Your Commercial AC Needs?

Monday, June 28th, 2021

When it comes to taking care of your commercial AC, the best choice you can make is to call in the pros. Working with professionals offers you guarantees and protection that DIY attempts or amateur work absolutely can’t provide. And that is something you really want to make the most of when it comes to keeping your business comfortable without excessive cost.

We understand that the pricetag associated with professional service for your commercial air conditioning in Alpharetta, GA may not always be the most appealing. It is well worth it though–that price is an investment into your system’s longevity and effectiveness which, ultimately, benefits your business.

Let us break down why service from a professional technician is always worth it.

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Why An Icy AC is Bad News

Monday, May 17th, 2021

When we think about ice in our homes it is usually something that creates relief during the summer. For example, adding ice to a big glass of water or iced tea to cool off. Or even grinding up ice to create homemade slushies and snowcones.

That said, ice isn’t a good thing when it shows up on your air conditioner. It’s heating up as we get closer to summer, so you know that the outdoor temperatures aren’t causing the AC to freeze. The question is, what is making your system so cold and why is this a bad thing?

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Get Your Refrigerant Leak Patched ASAP

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

When your air conditioning stops working, especially during a week with scorching weather, it is a serious problem. While all air conditioning issues need to be tackled immediately, refrigerant leaks can be especially problematic. Wondering why? This is because your refrigerant is what allows your system to create cold air.

Remember, if you delay getting a refrigerant leak fixed, there are greater chances of damaging your air conditioning system. However, the first thing to do is identify whether you have a refrigerant leak or not. The next step is to schedule repair services. If you are located in Duluth, GA we can help with all types of AC repairs.

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3 Perks of Early AC Maintenance

Monday, April 19th, 2021

Do you think it is too early to get your AC scheduled for maintenance? You couldn’t be more wrong! Temperatures and humidity can worsen conditions and make the heat unbearable for days and sometimes even weeks. Hence, ensuring that your AC does its job effectively and efficiently is in your best interest. Now is the time to be thinking of AC maintenance, right before the peak hot season hits, so that your machine runs smoothly all summer long.

Other than improving your home’s cooling system’s functionality, routine AC maintenance has several additional benefits. This blog will look at 3 perks of regular AC maintenance that every homeowner should know.

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5 End-of-Season AC Repairs

Monday, October 19th, 2020

When you go on a long road trip across multiple states and then loop back to return home, do you just leave your car to rest for several months after putting it in park? We certainly hope you’d say no. When you put a machine like your car through a heavy amount of use, it is likely a good idea to have a professional give it a look to make sure it doesn’t need any major repairs.

The same mindset should apply to your air conditioner. We are all starting to prepare for the cooler temperatures that the fall season will bring with it. While this does mean that your air conditioner is going to be “resting” for a few months, it doesn’t mean that it might not need an air conditioning repair in Winder, GA before you shut it down. Heavy use throughout the summer may have created problems that you should address before you shut your AC down for the next several months.

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