American Comfort Heating and Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Don’t Forget To Change Your Filter

Monday, March 7th, 2022

There are plenty of vital and uncompromisable parts of your heater that require professional attention. Motor bearings and heat exchangers are all parts that absolutely need an expert hand to work with them. But did you know there is a part of your heater that you can work with?

It’s your air filter! Technically, the air filter serves both your heater and your air conditioner. Placed in your return air duct, the filter is meant to protect your home comfort systems, specifically your heater for this blog post, from the impact of too much dust and dirt.

Let’s take a look at how keeping your air filter fresh and clean can reduce the risk of needing a heating repair in Winder, GA.

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A Cracked Heat Exchanger Is a Serious Problem

Monday, February 21st, 2022

Your furnace is a powerful heater that serves to keep your home warm on the coldest days. Just like any heating system, your furnace can also develop repair needs. Unlike some other systems, however, there is a specific repair need that your furnace can develop that can turn it from a helpful part of your home to a harmful one. This is a cracked heat exchanger.

If you are noticing a problem with your furnace heater of any kind, it is best to reach out to a professional for your furnace service in Winder, GA. This is true of every repair need of course but especially so for this one. Let’s look at why addressing a cracked heat exchanger is such a big deal.

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Your Heater Trouble May Be From Your Thermostat

Monday, February 7th, 2022

Does it feel like you spend more time battling to keep your home warm, rather than just enjoying a warm home? It is a frustrating situation and we get why you’d be upset. But before you reach out for help with a faulty heater, it may be worthwhile to check if you need help with a different part of your system.

Your heating trouble may stem from your thermostat. Similar to your heater itself, your thermostat can run into trouble over the course of its lifespan. This is why getting repairs or even a thermostat replacement can be just as important of a heating service in Duluth, GA as getting your actual furnace or heat pump fixed.

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These Sounds Mean Trouble For Your Furnace

Monday, January 24th, 2022

A furnace is built to operate well throughout the winter without creating an excessive amount of noise. If you have a furnace in your home, you’ve likely had several years of enjoyment from this system. There is a reason that furnace heaters are used so widely after all.

So what happens when your furnace starts to create a ruckus? We aren’t talking about an extra minute of clicking upon start-up here. We are talking about noises that you’ve never heard before that make you concerned.

A noisy heater is one that likely requires furnace repair in Duluth, GA. Here is what you need to know about the new sounds you might hear from a malfunctioning system.

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5 Signs That You Need a New Heater

Monday, January 10th, 2022

How much do you love your heater? If you’ve ever had your system die in the middle of winter, you know exactly how much you appreciate your furnace.

Modern-day heaters combined with well-insulated homes chase away the frost on wintry days. But, like everything, they grow old and wear out.

How do you know when you should start thinking about a replacement furnace service in Decatur, GA? Read on to learn the warning signs that you need an upgrade!

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Why Go To a Pro For Heating Services

Monday, December 27th, 2021

When you need help with your heating system, it isn’t the time to attempt DIY work. This is highly likely to lead to additional problems with your heater. It may even put your safety at risk.

On the other hand, getting expert repairs for your heater from a professional technician largely guarantees that your heater is going to get the service it needs. Scheduling your heating service in Decatur, GA with our team ensures that you’ll have a heater that is back in order in short order.

But why does professional heating service make such a big difference? Let us explain.

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That Dirty Sock Smell May Be From Your Heater

Monday, December 13th, 2021

Have you noticed that something smells off in your home lately? It can be frustrating to deal with this problem as you check trash cans, kids’ rooms, and even the refrigerator in the hope of identifying and dealing with the source of the smell.

We have good news and bad news. The bad news is that the smell that is bothering you may be coming from your heater. The good news is that we can address it quickly.

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5 Ways to Help Your Heater Operate Efficiently

Monday, November 15th, 2021

As temperatures decrease outdoors, the use of your heater is going to increase. If you have been careful to ensure that your system is well taken care of over the years, you shouldn’t have to worry about how much that system will cost you to operate. That said, there is nothing wrong with making sure you are doing everything possible to achieve peak energy efficiency this season

So, how can you get the best possible energy efficiency from your heater? We have some tips to help you with this.

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6 Spooky Noises Your Heater Might Be Making

Monday, October 18th, 2021

It is hard to really get comfortable when your heater makes a huge ruckus while in use. You can barely hear enough to think about the question of whether or not you are truly warm.

If you get a moment of quiet, you may realize that you are actually not as warm as you’d like. This may not be much of a surprise because new, strange noises coming from your heater are usually a sign of a problem. Let’s discuss some of the noises you may have started to hear and why they are an indicator that you need to schedule heating repair in Norcross, GA.

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Don’t Delay End-Of-Season Heater Repairs

Monday, March 22nd, 2021

As the winter season ends and spring is on the horizon, you may be tempted to look over the problems with your heater in hopes that the weather will gradually get warmer and warmer. However, the climb in temperatures is not steady most of the time, with sudden cold periods coming in between. To make sure you always a well-heated home, don’t delay end-of-season heater repairs.

Here are four reasons why.

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